Saturday, March 21, 2015

Urothemis signata insignata

Family: Libellulidae
Genus: Urothemis
Name Scientific: Urothemis signata insignata

Urothemis signata insignata, Male
Incidentally I found this dragonfly focus while observing the male Marcodiplax cora. Size, the dominant color, and style while perched on a branch, have many similarities. Initially I thought the same type of dragonfly, until I saw the base of the wings are red, I realized that this new kind of different. Black spots on the top of the abdomen is also not as "cora" contained in each segment.

Macrodiplax cora

Macrodiplax cora Male

Family: Libellulidae
Denus: Macrodiplax cora
Scientific Nama: Macrodiplax cora
Common Name: Wandering Pennant

One more thing I found a dragonfly with a red abdomen. Only this one has a black pattern on the upper abdomen. Often perch on the end of the branch directly affected by sunlight, it is difficult to get a good photo.

Macrodiplax cora Female

Orthetrum chrysis

Family: Libellulidae
Genus: Orthetrum
Scientific Name: Orthetrum chrysis
Common Name: Spine-tufted Skimmer

Description: Blue-grey eyes with red face, thorax dark brown, and red abdomen. 

For me the lay of the dragonfly, a bit difficult to distinguish Orthetrum chrysis with Orthetrum testaceum. moreover the two types of dragonfly is often seen in the same place. Physical form both look the same, only I if examined more carefully, Orthetrum chrysis have thorax and eyes darker than Orthetrum testaceum.

Orthetrum chrysis

Orthetrum crysis

Friday, March 20, 2015

Pantala flavescens

Family: Libellulidae
Genus: Pantala
Scientific Name: Pantala flavescens
Common Name: Wandering Glider and Globe Skimmer

Head of Pantala flavescens
Pantala, means "All Wing" alluding to the big and long wings. The specipic name comes from the Latin flavescens,meaning "yellowish," and refers to its distinctive golden tint. A medium size dragonfly with rusty thorax, yellow or golden abdomen and have black spot above. Wings transparent with bright redish brown spot. Face is yellow and eyes reddish brown above, bluish grey on below. 

Pantala flavescens

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Brachydiplax chalybea

Family: Libellulidae
Genus: Brachydiplax
In the previous post, this is just my type named Blue Libellula. Only males are often seen and include an approachable dragonfly. I found one female is just a coincidence of opportunity is very small.

Brachydiplax chalybea Male

Brachydiplax chalybea Female

Tholymis tillarga

Tholymis tillarga Male

Family : Libellulidae
Genus : Tholymis
Nama : Tholymis tillarga
Common Name : Coral-tailed cloud wing 

Although often seen, Tholymis tillarga somewhat difficult to photograph because the more often we see him fly. Males: red and characterized by brown and white on its wings. This dragonfly is very much active at sunset and still look fly when it was already too dark.

Tholymis tillarga Female

Friday, March 13, 2015

White Dragonfly

White Dragonfly
Until now, I still have not interest  using insect nets to catch dragonflies in order to get a fairly detailed picture. Some days it every afternoon, about 1 hour before sunset, white dragonfly always appear but I never saw it perched even for a moment, always fly. Quite difficult for me to be able to take a picture. Finally, only these photos only I could get. If anyone can guess or identify these dragonflies, I am very happy and thank you very much.

Zyxomma obtusum  "Male"

Fighting of White Dragonfly

The Winners Get Females

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tramea transmarina

Dragonfly with red abdoment many seen around
my house usually of species Orthetrum testaceum.
Once in a while it does look red dragonfly
with head and thorax darker look,
I think it kind of Orthetrum pruinosum.
Until now I did not managed to get his picture. 
When viewing this dragonfly, 
so I guess this is Orthetrum pruinosum.
Need more patience to be able to approach 
this dragonfly that get close up photo.

It looks like this dragonfly friendly enough to be observed as long as we do not overly disturb him.
This dragonfly looks very territorial, he will hunt down and expel dragonflies and other insects such as butterflies and bees to come out of its territory. From friends on Google Plus, they argue that this dragonfly classified into types Tramea, maybe it Tramea transmarina or basilar Tramea. From friends on Google Plus, they argue that this dragonfly classified into types Tramea, chances Tramea transmarina or basilar Tramea.
After googling and is currently the method of identification that I do, I think it is clear from the type Tramea, and very possibly Tramea transmarina judging from the geographical distribution .

Tramea transmarina

Tramea transmarina

Tramea transmarina

Tramea transmarina

Tramea transmarina

Tramea transmarina

Tramea transmarina
Frequenly back on the same spot :)